Triad business turns towards the People's Republic of China!

Foresight: The Lost Decades of Uncle Chow Tung (Uncle Chow Tung #2) 
by Ian Hamilton   

Once more I am dazzled by Hamilton's understandings of historical times in China and Hongkong.
An escapee from China under tragic circumstances has Uncle vowing never to return. But needs must. When Uncle turns his eyes towards Shenzhen there is the worry that even though Uncle has HongKong ID, the People's Republic will not respect that.
I was absorbed by the continuing story of Uncle Chow and the Fanling triad's move into business in the Special Economic Zone in "Shenzhen, next door to Hong Kong and on Fanling’s doorstep." Zones created by Premier Deng Xiaoping as a move towards
transforming "China into an economic superpower." (A happening we are now all familiar with.)
Its 1981 and Uncle and the Fanling triad are in trouble. The Hong Kong Jockey Club has a legal betting monopoly and they have been gathering momentum putting Uncle's operations under increased pressure. Uncle will have nothing to do with "loan-sharking, protection rackets, and drug dealing." This makes him the odd man out with the rest of Hong Kong's triad organizations, and yet to my mind an honorable  man with a peculiar sense of right and wrong.
I am glued to how Uncle absorbs losses and as a man of vision continues to creatively develop his fiefdom. I am struck by his sense of integrity and loyalty. Who would think that I'd become so fond of a triad leader. And there you have it! Fond I am of Uncle Chow. Of course his story gives us the background to how Ava Lee and her associates were able to develop their clothing design business.
I am so intrigued, by and appreciative of Uncle's story, that I read this in one sitting!

An Anansi Press ARC via NetGalley



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