A wonderful cat and mouse game!

Lady Eleanor's Seventh Suitor(The Sutherlands #1) byAnna Bradley

If ever a woman was caught in the cross hairs of a deadly game, even as the reason for its very being is a deep mystery, that is Eleanor Sutherland. If ever a man stalked his prey so efficiently then that hunter is Camden West.
From the very beginning I was caught up in the manoeuvre that Cam had instigated against  Eleanor using her sister Charlotte. The lengths he is prepared to go to punish her are puzzling. What he punishing her for is even more so. Is it just because she appears cold and unfeeling? Lady Frost is the name Eleanor has been given. Bets are placed on her at White's. She has her own page!
As the story develops we and Cam discover that he has badly underestimated and misjudged Ellie. As she turns the tables on him things look hopeful but always Ellie is taken by surprise by yet another layer that is added to the equation.
It isn't until the end that we start to see the truth. By that time it appears too late for Cam and Ellie.
Each has taken a stand and that stand may unravel them.
How can we fault Ellie for her support of her sister Charlotte?
Cam's cousin Julian has the right of it when he said, 'I don’t like it. This is badly done, Cam.'
It was badly done, and as the story progresses those words will haunt Cam, and the suffering brought about by his actions will be borne by more than just Cam.
I surged through the reading of this unwilling to take a time out. I just needed to see things through to the end.
A fantastic read!

A NetGalley ARC



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