Traditions and love!

The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz    

A story of traditions, of precious things passed down. In this instance a wedding dress modeled on Grace Kelly's.
As the story weaves between the woman who designed the dress, the French 
grandmere, the current mother of the bride, and the bride, strands of what it is to love, loss, standing your ground, knowing when to say no, familia relations, the fifties, the seventies and the now are braided to get her with loving care.
There's Rose, the seamstress in the Parisian xx, Joanie her daughter and Rocky her granddaughter. As each face their particular fears and demons, the indecisions and strengths, the writing becomes more focused and telling.
I was unsure at first as to whether I would engage sufficiently but as the story progressed, as I became used to it's rhythms, I was well and truly beguiled.
But then, how could anything associated with Grace Kelly and her fabulous wedding dress not fail to please.
I loved the way the wedding dress took on a life of its own that reflected the person of the time. The original design is a dream, the descriptions of Rose solving the problems the design presented, her amazing finishing touches reveal a master at work. On the other hand I had trouble with Joanie's version with those Princess Di sleeves which always seemed somewhat grumpy to me, but was in awe of Rocky's version that so truly reflected her. In my mind's eye that looks sensational. Rocky, the techno's a avant garde expression would be amazing, with those loving nods to those important to her.

A HARLEQUIN - Graydon House ARC via NetGalley 



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