Ghote wins through!

A Small Case for Inspector Ghote? (An Inspector Ghote Mystery #26)by H.R.F. Keating    

Promoted to the Bombay Police Crime Branch, Inspector Ganesh Ghote finds himself relegated to Bandobast duty, overseeing organizational tasks. He's wondering why he's been promoted to if this is all he does? But when his duty servant's head appears wrapped up in his trash bin things take a definite u turn.
Although his superior, Assistant Commissioner of Police Mr Ramprasad Divekar, has told him to not bother about it, to dispose of the head. There are more important matters, including the death of an important man's son-in-law.  Ghote's ethics won't let the matter rest. After all, no matter their caste, Ganesh strongly feels that a victim is deserving of justice.
The path to the truth about the appearance of a head in his bin is arduous (sometimes painfully slow) yet Ghote moves forward spurred on by his wife Protima, and the god's own luck. I love that Ganesh gets caught up in the intricacies buying a shopping bag. Who knew the important factors that must consider.
There is a edge of the times here with Ghote's voice having a sing song cadence that borders on the politically incorrect but given that this book was first published over twenty years ago we can perhaps forgive that.
Nethertheless, Ghote pursues his case with diligence and inspiration. I have come to appreciate this methodical man of law enforcement.

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley



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