The spinster and the rake

A Duke is Never Enough (The Spitfire Society #2) by Darcy Burke 

Phoebe Lennox deserted her betrothed at the altar and set the society gossips and London's ton on its collective ear. Gossips had a hey day and Phoebe thanked her lucky stars that she'd had enough gumption to not take that final step that would've left her shackled to a husband who delighted in inflicting pain. Society was even more shocked when she set up house by herself.
Marcus Raleigh, Marquess of Ripley, draws a different sort of attention. A rake and a womanizer, although to be fair, he drew the line at some actions.
So when Marcus discovered his cousin had been actively swindling gullible ton members with dubious investments, he confronts Drobbit in the park, resulting in fisticuffs. Enter Phoebe who helps Marcus clean some blood of his face. That's their beginnings. Drobbit later turns up dead. No-one is surprised. Except Marcus and Phoebe, as Marcus is now a suspect in a murder case.
(I must say the name Drobbit conjures up an unsavory Dicken's type character, and the alliteration unfortunately sent me straight to Dobby from Harry Potter. But that's unfair to Dobby. I love Dobby whereas Drobbit is a slimey , unprincipled character skirting the edges of the ton.)
 Putting that aside we have a couple who aren't (indeed shockingly aren't!) following society's rules, a relationship that builds via simple respect and understanding (friendship) with lustful interludes, disgruntled investors, a murdered Marquess' cousin, and a messy situation.
Although I enjoyed Phoebe's and Marcus' developing relationship, and Phoebe's bold move to independence, the investment scheme and surrounding mystery just seemed muddy and unresolved me.

An Author Collective 20 ARC via NetGalley



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