Murder, mystery and loyalty!

An Inconvenient Duke (Lords of the Armory #1) 
by Anna Harrington       

I really liked the main protagonists, General Marcus Braddock and Danielle Williams.
Prior to Marcus' return to England from the continent and the defeat of Napoleon, Danielle had written to him to notify him of his sister Elise's death.
The Honorable Danielle Williams, daughter of Baron Mondale, runs the Nightingale pipeline for deserted and battered women, spiriting them away to other parts of the country or the Americas, where abused women are given safe havens.
Marcus, now the Duke of Hampton, has been awarded a dukedom as a reward for his heroic campaigns. Marcus has been trying to talk to Danielle about his sister's death. Dani is avoiding him. She is troubled that he might find out about her secretive enterprise, of which Elise was a part. What Marcus does discover is that Elise was murdered. Dani had "warned Elise to stay away from Scepter.” Now Dani is in a quandary. Had Elise ignored Dani's warnings and tried to help women by herself, taken risks apart from Nightingale, without the proper support?
Marcus and Dani join forces to discover Elise's killer. Their inquiries put both of them in danger but when Dani becomes the target Marcus is enraged. Marcus really is the epitome of an inconvenient duke, inconvenient for Dani and for those who murdered Elise. It's the Duke's strategical thinking and loyal friends, along with Dani's shrewd understandings, that turn the tide at the eleventh hour. Although loose ends are left tantalizing us into future developments, particularly about Scepter.
And it's in this spirit that the armory is born"—The Armory, Where Evil Fears to Tread." A place for ex soldiers, a sanctuary, where these loyal men will, "band together and use [their] skills to shut down Scepter and to help those in need, wherever they might be, no matter the threat." 
I found the Inconvenient Duke an enjoyable read despite being is a tad predictable in some instances. I look forward to more in this series. The Duke has some interesting friends!

A Sourcebooks Casablanca ARC via NetGalley 



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