Compelling Quebec thriller!

Never Forget (A Victor Lessard Thriller #3) by Martin Michaud  

A gritty murder mystery that segues  into the bizarre. Set in Montriel, a detective and his partner are confronted by a series of grotesque murders that have a dark history.
I reveled in this thriller. Devastating Quebecian crime noir! Always that cutting edge that is present in many of the movie and literary contributions from this part of the world.
I loved Victor Lessard a detective sergeant with the Major Crimes Unit of the Montreal Police. Victor is introspective, taciturn and a recovering alcoholic, taking copious amounts of anti anxiety pills, who has returned to the major crimes unit after having left in disgrace. He has a hair trigger temper when aroused. Jacinthe Taillon is his gung-ho, take no prisoners partner. She's dynamite and totally not PC. Together they are a seemingly ill matched yet superb duo.
When the murders lead to past CIA experiments in mind control and questions are raised about JFK's assassination in relation to these experiments, the story enters the twilight zone of political theories and deniability.
This is the first Victor Lessard novel to be translated into English. I look forward to more.
A most satisfying read!

A Dundurn Press ARC via NetGalley



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