Murder in Hull!

Murder on the Home Front (WPC Billie Harkness #2) by Jessica Ellicott   


WPC Billie Harkness is once again drawn into a murder investigation along with Constable Peter Upton. Whilst they’re checking out a raided bomb shelter Billie discovers the body of a man strangled with some clothesline wire.

Their investigations will lead them a frustrating chase over a wide ranging area.

At the same time there’s been a spate of small items missing from Peter’s boarding house including his police badge. Peter’s kept quiet about that as he thought he’d been careless with it.

Back in Hull a teenage boy was recently run over by a truck and killed. A man is reported missing by his landlords. There’s been some chatter about fifth columnists and Billie feels concerned. Somethings not right, a little bit off.

As Billie and Peter follow up their investigations, dots that seem random and farfetched, start to intertwine. 

Billie meanwhile is having her own problems with Constable Drummond. He’s been sexually harassing her. Sergeant Skeleton comes upon them locked in what seems like an embrace and comes to quite the wrong conclusion. Billie doesn’t know quite how to handle it and doesn’t want to tell her superiors. I must admit to feeling Billie’s shame, fright and anger.

Another well written and exciting addition to this series. With tension mounting, all the factors spill over, coming together with a satisfying conclusion, including Drummond.

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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