Good deeds gone wrong!

Earls Rush In by Jennifer Haymore  


How to stop you’re best friend’s sister from making a serious mistake in marrying the wrong man?

Kidnap her of course! Not that Finneas Jones, the Earl oh Trevelyn (Finn) had magically divined that they’d be driving through snow,  end up in an overturned carriage, and would seek shelter an inn with only one bedroom! Far from the truth!

Charlotte Chapman had only until the tenth of March before her uncle and his wife threw her and her sister Celine out. Charlotte’s uncle had been the next in line to the barony after her brother Christopher. When Chris was killed the girls were not welcome. They were given two years by their uncle and aunt to find a solution. Time was up! 

Finn has become somewhat reclusive since Christopher’s death. They’d been friends since school. For all sorts of reasons Christopher’s death had hit him hard. However he’s now come out of his comfort zone to help Charlotte, even if things don’t go as planned.

Younger sister Celine is having trouble trying to understand why Charlotte would balk at marrying Mr Bagshaw. We know he’s a slimy, self serving, repulsive blackguard. I regret to say that Celine came across as a somewhat self centred, uncaring and petulant being. Miraculously she’d turned around by the end of the story. Thank goodness!

Things came together finally even though Finn feels totally responsible for a whole gambit of things not his fault.

A quick read, if a tad melodramatic.

An Entangled ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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