Love across the class divide in Regency times

The Spinster and Mr. Scott (Highland Knights #1) by Jennifer Haymore  


Lady Grace Carrington picked her way across the battlefield looking for any survivors. Waterloo and all its imagined gory descriptions! A name to conjure nightmares!

That’s where she finds Scotsman Sergeant Duncan Scott a sheep farmer from the highlands. A world away from home, and centuries away from a woman like Grace.

And yet when Duncan and Grace meet there will be no going back. Soulmates!

Duncan is assigned to be part of a task force to investigate anti monarch organizations back in England with Grace’s brother-in-law Major Sir Robert Campbell. They are all now officially Highland Knights.

Still, how can these two come together separated as they are by class and lineage?

I found the first couple of chapters piqued my interest. a(Although Heyer’s novels dealing with this time and occasion is still the pinnacle as far as I’m concerned.)

The rest of the story is fine if somewhat superficial, yet there’s no doubt about the rightness for each other that these two star crossed lovers have. I could wish for more story and less bedroom scenes. We see no gathering of information about the group the Knights have been assigned to track, only the ending as it affects Grace and Duncan. I’m somewhat confused about how Duncan’s supposedly involved in the gathering of information, yet to my mind the only gathering he does is Grace.

Nonetheless a fine start to a new series with more of the Knights’ tales to come.

A Victory Editing ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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