Future times!

Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway     


Hard nosed detective Cal Sounder investigates the murder of a Titan, a genetically modified elite.

Set in a dystopian futuristic world there’s more here than meets the eye, as Cal finds out.

Cal is a Titan specialist, a consultant to the police in these types of cases.

T7 injections turn ordinary humans into super beings. It’s incredibly expensive, highly desirable. It can save one from all sorts of physical challenges but your intellect doesn’t improve. Maybe that’s offset by living a few hundred years. Maybe?!

Learning to live with a body that’s been extended is no joke. Some (not many) have had several T shots over time—a long time.

The tone is set in the first few opening lines, in the sparse, take no prisoners, non conversation between Cal and the Captain as they head towards the crime scene.

A crime that will lead Cal back through the victim’s history as it intersects with others, and ultimately his own. There’s some delightful lines in the way of detective Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) of the Maltese Falcon fame.

 Murder rooms are like train stations at midnight, not much left to do before the last departure.”

I must say I enjoyed every moment of Titanium Noir—it’s very noir, hard edged, smart and at times tragic.

A Knopf ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.

Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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