Claire's quest continues at Ravenna!

A Shadowed Fate (Claire Clairmont Mystery #2) by Marty Ambrose I must admit to being more and more taken with Ambrose's tribute to the seemingly infamous Claire Clairmont, stepsister to Mary Shelley, and the propositional mystery surrounding Allegra Byron, Claire and Lord Byron's daughter, said to have died from typhus in the convent Byron had placed her in. The question becomes for Claire, did Allegra die or was this all a ruse to protect her from Byron's enemies? Ambrose gives a genuine voice to Claire's life, presenting Claire in a more gracious light than others have. The story is loaded with unknown threats for Claire and her traveling companions as she searches for the truth about Allegra. Made more so by the restrained yet menacing undercurrents. I was much struck by the thoughtful reflections from the eighty year old Claire, particularly after having visited the convent at Ravenna. "There are so many unknowns when it comes to how fate ...