Towers, Fiefs and Borderlands. A puzzle!

Cast in Wisdom (Chronicles of Elantra #15) by Michelle Sagara     

Once again Kaylin Neya is tasked by the Hawklord to investigate problems occurring in and around the fiefs, along with Bellusdeo and Severn. Shadow is the fear.
This time it's the Borderlands, those spaces on the edge of and between the fiefs. These areas exist "around a central Tower, and the Towers were created to stand sentinel against the fief of Ravellon—the only fief that had neither Tower nor lord... Ravellon was the home of the most dangerous of the Shadows."
Reality doesn't hold in the same way in the Borderlands and shifts of time and location can occur.  “The border zone wasn’t solid."
The threat of Shadow to the whole of Elantra is real and the Borderlands might be harboring it. The Dragon Bellusdeo wants to investigate, as does the Dragon Emperor.
Magic follows different rules in these areas. People have disappeared and as the group's  search unfolds this becomes a dominating factor. Speculation gives rise to the idea that that the outcaste fief lord of Candallar is involved.
The cohort is still as troubling as always and yet their peculiarities are helpful as Kaylin, her familiar Hope and her companions unwittingly enter into strange places in the Borderlands. What they find is the Acadamia which is not anchored, causing the group giant headaches as they step into what becomes dangerous situations. The Dragon Lord Arkon, a seeker of knowledge, recalls the Academia. It was "a great school, that once existed just outside of the heart of Ravellon." A place where all groups could learn and study. A wellspring of scholarship. A place of nostalgic interest and memories for Arkon.
Now Kaylin as The Chosen will become part of Acadamia's problems and solution.
In some ways anticlimactic in relation to the whole series, and yet the ending was just so fitting!

A Harlequin / Mira ARC via NetGalley



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