A story in three parts

A Reluctant Bride (Shelly Sisters #1) by Jess Michaels      

An interesting start to a new series, The Shelly Sisters. Triplets, so unusual an event that the sisters Thomasina, Juliana and Anne are seen more as sideshow entrants than young women in their own right.
They possess a truly awful father who never recognizes one from ethe other and is bent on marrying them off to increase his well being, never considering the well being of his daughters.
Anne is to be married to Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt, a man she feels nothing for. Jasper suffers his own problems trying to restore a ruined earldom whilst shaking off the indignity of his "father’s and brother’s bad behavior [that] had become painfully and pointedly clear to him." It fell to him as the new Earl to "fix what damage his father and his brother had done to their standing."
The night of her engagement ball Anne begs her sister Thomasina to give her a reprieve and take her place. And that's where things begin to unravel.
The thing is Thomasina is strongly attracted to Jasper. And Jasper? Well he knows it's Thomasina. He can tell her apart from her sisters. He really sees her. When Anne goes missing Thomasina agrees to marry Jasper, for as her father so succinctly and coldly puts it, they all look alike.
As the story unfolds we follow the responses to the missing Anne, we are introduced to a desperate business acquaintance of Jasper's brother Solomon (read villain) intent on finding a hidden 'treasure',  and the marriage of Anne and Jasper.
A family story being told in three parts, this is a fascinating beginning.

A Victory Editing ARC via NetGalley



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