Colorful Georgian mystery!

The Hocus Girl (A Simon Westow Mystery #2) by Chris Nickson

1822, Simon Westow is a thief taker in Leeds.  What is a thief taker? They, "Find what had been stolen and return it for a fee." Things have been going well for Simon and his family, including the mysterious Jane.
However his friend Davey has been arrested for sedition. Now Simon, his wife Rosie and Jane the disturbed young woman who lives with them are investigating why Davy. The puzzle will lead back to high places. Fearful of more political unrest its rumored that the government has a spy operating in the area. It would seem these shadowy figures have had truck with Thomas Curzon, a wealthy mill owner and the magistrate.
Curzon wants to make a name for himself. He has aspirations lean towards a lordship. That effort threatens Simon and his friends, and ultimately will turn back to bite Curzon, but not before more deaths ensue.
Operating within Simon's group is a code of help, about helping those who've helped you. Neither Simon or Jane forget those who have shown kindness. Simon with Davy and Emily, Jane with an older woman, Catherine Shields. It's here we learn more about the withdrawn, troubled Jane who is a cutter. Catherine's house "was the only place Jane had been where she felt completely safe, utterly free. She always found peace here."
Mixed up in all this is the Hocus Girl, a girl the thief tracker is hired to find. But this is also a girl who seems to be able to track Jane.
Jane of the "hidden life," the girl no one sees, the girl who has a gift of blending in so completely that she becomes invisible. Jane is alarmed and puzzled.
Apparently being hocussed is where 'something [is put] in your drink to make you pass out so [someone] could rob you.’ Who and what is the Hocus Girl? A danger to Jane and to Simon it would seem.
My fascination really lies with Jane.
In my review of The Hanging Psalm" I asked the question,  "Can she become more or is she destined to a life lived within the confines of her traumatic past, allowing it to define her?"
That's partly answered here. As more of the veil about Jane is lifted we see some of her early life. Make no mistake though. Jane will kill.
In this look at the thief taker and his friends, work becomes mixed with friendship and duty.
In some ways Simon, Rosie and Jane move beyond their old lives into new pathways.
A thought provoking mystery!

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley



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