
Resurgence (Foreigner #20) by C. J. Cherryh     

Like Bren Cameron, the paidhi-aiji (the translator who connects the governments of the Mospherians, human occupants of the Atevi planet whom Atevi allowed to inhabit that island enclave) I quailed when the communique came from his home at Najida that the Aiji-Dowager Ilisidi, grandmother of Tabini (the Aiji, ruler of the Atevi) had come calling. Let's not equivocate! This is not a good portend for Bren leisurely sailing home from Mospheira across the straits using some well deserved down time after all that's happened. (How I love the Dowager. Always the wild card! Although her great grandson Cajeiri, and heir to Tabini has been running a close second!).
The Resurgence focuses on the Midlands and the Ajuri clan. A troubled place where holdouts from the Shadow Guild are still operating. The dowager's nose is somewhat out of joint as Tabini's consort Damiri (of the Ajuri clan) having family connections to this area, has made inroads into securing political power here, and has taken under her wing, a cousin, Nomari, a new claimant to lordship of this area. Nomari "has been living and working as Transportation Guild ... A rail worker... He currently leads a band of other survivors, about whom we know far less, who also seem to have been fugitives" from the deceased Shishogi, founder of the Shadow Guild. Where the guild infiltrated and who is still operational is a big question.
Meanwhile the young gentleman, Cajeiri is coming along  nicely. As he puts it "his circle is expanding" and it's instructive to watch his decision making in the light of his past experiences.
Bren is as always in the midst of the troubles, along with the Dowager. The Dowager is wary of how the new Midlands situation might influence things.
Machigi—Lord of the Taisigin Marid and chief lord of the Association of the Southern Marid has an interest in rail links. The Dowager is not beyond using rail building as a way into this area, all the more interesting to me as this appears to be a somewhat tenuous link at this stage with the cousin claimant, Nomari. But perhaps I'm reading too much into it. Still with the Atevi and the Dowager anything is possible!
I was so enthralled by the new twists in this ongoing saga that I let out an Oh No! wail when I came to the end.
Once again Cherryh had me riveted to the various political changes and shifting of loyalty allegiances (man'chi) amongst the Atevi.
Another special journey with these characters I so admire.

A Berkley Group ARC via NetGalley



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