Tension and distrust dog our leading characters!

Forbidden Alliance (Forbidden #4) by Diana Cosby        

Having a soft spot in my heart for the mythical and romanticized view of all things Knight Templar, I was excited by the premise.  "The wrongful accusations and slaughter of warriors who’d vowed to protect the innocent, men who’d given their lives to serve the Brotherhood’s cause ... sacrificed without hesitation by the duplicitous French monarch' King Philip." The Templars have been secretly disbanded, and the brotherhood lives on to support new causes.
Out of this understanding rises the Forbidden series stories.
I the was captivated! I adored the Knights Templar connection.
It's 1308 in the snow covered Scottish Highlands. Elspet McReynolds, of Tiran Castle, in naught but the clothes she stood in is fleeing the treachery of the Earl of Dalkirk as he murdered her stepfather and mother and dragged away her stepbrother Blar, is confronted by two ragged brigands degenerate laden intent on her! Not good!
A woman's scream in the depths of the quiet forest galvanizes Sir Cailin MacHugh into action. A fabulous beginning!
My Knight Templar, Cailin, is definitely meeting my romantic expectations, the rescuing of a damsel in distress!
Unfortunately that damsel has her own agenda that runs counter to Cailin's and the two will find themselves going toe to toe at almost every turn.
Here's Cailin, whose the real heir to Dalkirk, the current Earl being his treacherous uncle, attempting reclaim his inheritance, following Robert the Bruce's instructions without attracting attention to himself, and he rescues the woman who will turn all that upside down. Why? Because she's absolutely focused on her own path without thought for how she impacts others.
I grew exasperated with Elspet and her inability on important occasions to just think before she acted. I wanted to adore Cailin but in the end his interactions with Elspet were just too wooden. Sure there was some chemistry happening between the two, but I just wasn’t convinced.
So three stars for the first parts of the story. I'm truly sad that for me, the story didn't have the Aha! resolutions it's beginning promised.

A  NetGalley ARC



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