A true lady traveler!

The Lady Travelers Guide to Happily Ever After (Lady Travelers Society #4) 
by Victoria Alexander

I had a whole lot of trouble identifying with Violet Hagen and James Branham, heir to the Earl of Ellsworth. After being married to "avoid scandal," I admire that under difficult circumstances Violet hied off to the Continent and grew into the woman she wouldn't have if she'd been left to languish as a "responsibility."
Then when James inherited his title, it came with conditions attached. Violet and in his will James' uncle stipulated that James and Violet had to live as man and wife, presenting themselves to society as a reconciled couple, with no hint of scandal.
Personally I thought Uncle Richard should have not played Cupid from beyond the grave. Violet should have stayed on the Continent and made her life there. But Violet was very attached to Richard, and it seems she'd always loved James. Forgiving him is entirely another matter.
To me James just never seemed to be true enough for Violet. All that boyish charm made me want to gag. Violet did lead James a merry chase around Europe. But James was still a tad to self satisfied for my taste.
As an aside, I will say I was pleased with Cleo's outcome.
I loathed Violet's mother and her sister Caroline, and I hope the sister has her comeuppance at some time in the future. Violet's mother is a bully, and the apple obviously didn't fall far from the tree with Caroline.
The revelation about the circumstances around "the kiss" does somewhat speak to me and Violet and James' story ends as a romance should. However the spark was not there for me.
BTW, I did rather like the cover.

A HARLEQUIN - Romance ARC via NetGalley 



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