
How To Love A Duke in Ten Days (Devil You Know #1) by Kerrigan Byrne.

Kerrigan Byrne just keeps surprising! Such a creative mind! This time intrigue sits alongside murder. The series revolves around three young woman who meet at school in Switzerland in the 1880's, and how that time together not only forged strong bonds but changed their lives forever. Alexander "and her dearest friends, Francesca Cavendish and Cecelia Teague, had created a haven for their Red Rogues Society. Red, because they all had hair of some variant shade of such." Rogues because ... Well you'll just have to read their stories to find out more!
The first story is about Lady Alexander Lane who fled the school along with her chums after being abused by the headmaster of the school, a darkly abhorrent character taking pleasure in the degradation he inflicts. I must admit that scene sent shivers down my spine.
Hiding herself in her work and in her appearance Alex trains as an archaeologist and travels to various sites, an accomplished leader in the field. Always she effectively effaced herself physically, appearing mannish in her dress, although her brilliant mind could not be erased.
Now ten years later someone has been blackmailing her for years, her family is in dire financial straits and there's only one way through. Get married to someone rich and powerful.
At the same time she receives a missive from Francesca,
Accept the invitation to Castle Redmayne. I’m in danger. I need you.
Piers Gedrick Atherton, the Duke of Redmayne, needs a bride. With his fearsome reputation that could be a tall order. Although it seems Alex's friend Francesca will fill the bill but there's something about Alex that draws Piers on a visceral level, and Alex feels the same pull, despite her tortured past and her fears of intimacy.
As Alex and Piers battle their pasts, their coming together is a minefield lanced with potential disasters lightened by brilliant flashes of hope.
Murder, blackmail and dark intrigue stalks them both.
An altogether satisfying story that wrings you out, holds you on the edge and doesn't fail to please!

A St. Martin's Press ARC via NetGalley



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