Laran and Darkover

 Arilinn: A Novel of Darkover by Deborah J Ross, Marion Zimmer Bradley 


It’s been some time since I’ve read any Darkover novels. There’s a few favs I return to now and again though.

I’ve been a passionate follower of Marion Zimmer Bradley since I first came across her novels some 40 plus years ago.

The Darkover arc is fascinating. Arilinn adds to the backstory of that planet and its inhabitants.

The importance of laran, the idea of using it as a weapon, the ethics of such moves, the story behind the founding of the tower of Arilinn, all recall Bradley’s earlier books that explored various aspects and formation stages of Darkover, the towers and circles that were so important. 

Names give remembrance to the stories.  The Hasturs, Alliards, and Lindars.

In Arilinn we see the picture unfold through the eyes of Leora Hastur, a potential leronis, a Keeper, who comes late to the gift of laran, almost dying in the process.

Her father is trying to establish a council of Comyn lords, a place where disputes can be settled without psychic use. Again influences that will strongly mark Darkover’s story.

Coincidentally the men from the Dry Lands have been stealing women, chaining them, and taking them back to there. Leora becomes a prisoner. She finds the strength to use her laran in an unexpected way.

I’m completely sold on this tale. 

A hefty storyline inclusion from Ross that adds to Bradley’s well loved creation.

Marion Zimmer Bradley Trust /Victory ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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