Good intentions sometimes come back to bite!

A Worthington Wedding (Here Comes the Groom #1) by Ella Quinn      


Charlie, the Earl of Stanwood can’t stand careless lords who loose their houses gambling without a care for their dependants.

When he’s having a drink in White’s he overhears such a bet.

Now Charlie doesn’t gamble but he knows how to.

He takes Lord Ognon to the cleaners, claims his prize, and finds his newly acquired house is in his estate’s neighbourhood.

Only when he confronts the woman of the house he finds that the estate was not Ognon’s to bet with, it belongs to Miss Oriana Ognon.

Oriana is sick of Ognon sending his gambling debtors to her to be rebuffed. Charlie however tells her he was going to give the house to her no strings attached. Now he doesn’t have to.

Charlie is much struck by Oriana and plans to get to know her better. Oriana’s having nothing of him.

How this situation is turned around is pleasantly fun although I did lose patience with both of them Oriana in particular.

I was in love with seven year old Hugh who falls in love with Oriana and plans to ask her to wait for him! He manfully gives way to his Uncle.


A Kensington ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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