Another stellar adventure in Putney’s Dangerous Gifts series.

Golden Lord (Dangerous Gifts #2) by Mary Jo Putney       


Tamsyn Tremayne and her adopted brother Cade have been sent by the Home Office to Paris to escort the British Ambassador and his wife home. War with Bonaparte is once more looming on the horizon and no one trusts Bonaparte’s actions

They reach Calais but are delayed by the French. Throughout the journey they have felt the icy cold presence of someone they dobb the Scorpion tracking them.

As they are boarding their ship the French declare all men between eighteen and sixty would be arrested and interned as Prisoners of War.

Cade and Tam manage to help others to board but then Cade is grabbed, manhandled into a carriage, then slammed mentally into unconsciousness.

Tam is distraught and follows. What happens then is highly dangerous, and unexpected.

Cade has been manfully blocking his feelings for Tamsyn. After all she is the sister of his heart. Anymore is unthinkable. When the barriers are down however the unthinkable becomes something more. Particularly as Tam sees them joined by a golden thread.

However, that is only one of their problems until they win through what’s happening in France and can return to England and answers.

A Kensington ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher


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