Family responsibilities and Murder!

A Vicious Machination (Beatrice Hyde-Clare Mystery #13) by Lynn Messina      


Verity Lark (the Duke of Kesgrave’s half-sister) is being held in Newgate Prison charged with the murder of Agnes Wraithe, dreadful ghoul and former headmistress of the orphanage Verity and her friends were mistreated in.

It’s up to the Beatrice, the “Murder Duchess” or rather “Her Outrageousness” (monikers given Bea by the popular press) to prove her innocence. (Probably in exchange for shooting lessons!) The solving of this murder is important because Verity is family, although the acknowledgment is tentative on Verity’s side, and will be a distraction for the Duchess. Bea’s lately spent much of her time wondering how she’s going to cope overseeing the Duke’s grand residence at Haverhill Hill, where she and the Duke are due to stay shortly. 

The Dowager Duchess becomes involved, as does of course Kesgrave.

I love the relationship between the Duke and Duchess. How he really sees and appreciates her, the way he affectionately calls her Brat, how he allows Beatrice to be herself. Their affection for each other is evident  from the moments stolen in the library, the carriage. Oh my!

This murder though has been impressively planned down to the last second. The who is hampered by the number of people being blackmailed by the murder victim—The Wraithe!

Another throughly enjoyable and witty Bea Hyde-Clare, “Her Outrageousness” mystery!

A Book Whisperer ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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