
Murder at Traitors' Gate (Tate and Bell Mystery #2) by Irina Shapiro   


The plot was intriguing. A journalist, Jacob Harrow, has been brutally killed and hung up by a meat hook at Traitor’s Gate at the Tower of London.

Inspector Sebastian Bell is once again involved.

As it turns out, the journalist had been in the Crimean War. Naturally Bell consults with Nurse Gemma Tate. Gemma had nursed at Scutari hospital. It had been in Gemma’s words, “hell on earth.”From here things become quite convoluted. 

Bell is concerned for Gemma’s safety. As he should be because Gemma is making enquires that might be dangerous for her. 

I find it interesting that society’s regard for the nurses who went to the Crimea. These women braved unspeakable conditions, forged on whilst struggling to survive themselves, and dedicated themselves to their patients. Yet when they return from the war they are greeted with harshness and judgment, regarded as little more than prostitutes. (Other writers have also posited this attitude.

This second in the series was engaging but to my mind not quite as sharp as the first. I’m looking forward to the next title, particularly to seeing how Sebastian and Gemma’s relationship might develop.

A Storm invite ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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