
A Daughter of Fair Verona (Daughter of Montague #1) by Christina Dodd 


Sensational, bold, daring and witty! Superlatives aside I loved the premise of the novel—Romeo and Juliet didn’t die! They lived to raise seven children. (Their long suffering children are constantly having to close their ears to noises emanating from their parent’s bedroom!)

The oldest is Rosalind (Rosie) who keeps evading the wedded state by finding suitable spouses for her suitors, thus avoiding the trap of marriage.

Only this time she’s engaged to a duke whose three previous wives had died in suspicious circumstances. The last being her friend Titania. How is Rosie going to get out of this new challenge? This time she’ll need a fail proof strategy.

Never having been in love she’s struck by Cupid’s bow when she meets the fair Lysander of the House of the Marckettis of Venice, traditional foes of the Montagues. Aha! Lysander has crashed Rosalind’s betrothal party.

Rosie is a knife wielding, brilliant woman, and diplomatic (except when she looses her temper!). Her main fault seems to be that she’s intelligent and understands mathematics! Rosie adores her family and gathers in others. 

Now, how to avoid the unwanted marriage, uncover the dark deeds of her betrothed-to-be, and resolve her attraction to her mortal enemy Lysander.

A sparkling jewel of a read! This is the first in the series I can hardly wait to see what happens next.

A Kensington Press ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher


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