Red headed triplets! Shall the ton be shocked?

Sincerely, The Duke (Say I Do #2) by Amelia Grey   


An interesting plot. Three sisters, triplets, all with red hair and green eyes. The eldest, Edwin, had promised her dying her father to have her sisters introduced to society and married.

Meanwhile up in London, Roderick Cosworth, the Duke of Stonerick, (Rick to his friends) promises his mother to finally marry and beget an heir. He chooses a name from his mother’s list of eligible parties. Yes, one Edwina Fine. The duke who’s nearly insensible with a fever on this occasion totters off and forgets all about that decision.

That is, until his peace and quiet is shattered by a disturbance in the entryway between a feisty red headed lady and his butler. It’s his intended Fiona, paying a call to see if the offer is a hoax or true.

Rick as you can imagine has forgotten all about what happened with his mother. What with having been struck down by this mysterious recurring fever for a time. Looking at the note Edwina produces he recognizes his writing, and after some thought, declares it’s all above board.

Edwina informs him of her stipulations for the marriage. She wants her two sisters to attend  the coming London season. She neglects to say they are triplets. (Due to fears about superstitions and rumours that infect society’s thinking)

The Dowager Duchess has been reading about the veracity of superstitions (all very negative) at her ladies meeting. She’s perturbed enough about the red hair and green eyes. Triplets might be a step too far. That point is not mentioned.

It just seemed to me that what might have been an intriguing plot was sidetracked by inanities, Edwina’s over bearing stubbornness, and a disappointing chemistry between the two main characters. The zing just wasn’t there.

I actually like the Duke better than Edwina. I appreciated how he handled her sister Eileen, even though he was suffering the dratted fever that persisted, and Edwina thought he’d drunk too much brandy. I shake my head!!

Still Edwina and Rick resolve the challenges between them and move on to have their HEA.

St. Martin’s Press ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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