Jack Taylor returns!

Galway Confidential (Jack Taylor #17) by Ken Bruen       


Ok, I never tire of Jack Taylor. Hard bitten, alcoholic ex Guardia turned detective, who lives around the edges, alternating between kindness, generosity, driven intent, all whilst shrugging his shoulders at the world that passes him by. He’s totally outrageous. A mostly cynical, Jameson drinking, hard living, all softened by his easily accepting Irish charm.

Jack’s been in a coma for the last eighteen months. The world has passed him by. He’s essentially missed Covid, the English Parliament destroying itself, Liz Truss and her shortest reign as Prime Minister in history, the craziness of Brexit, the war in Ukraine—all whilst he was non compus mentis.

Now he’s being asked to find out who’s killing nuns.

Oh, and who’s setting homeless people alight?

Welcome back, Jack! The world has been a poorer place with you out of action.

Bruen’s conversation style, hard hitting language, softened by the occasional poetic voice is a treat.

So love Jack Taylor novels!

Oh, and my reading images always default to actor Iain Glen. He’s seared into my mind as Jack.

W.W. Norton ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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