
The Duke's Enforcer (Duke’s Guard #8) by C.H. Admirand   


My guilty pleasure continues, but sadly I was not as enamoured of the Duke’s Enforcer as I have been other titles in the series. I love the Guards but the storylines have become somewhat repetitive the last several times.

You know, hero with a backbone of steel and a heart of gold rescues a damsel in distress from a really bad situation. In this case it’s Darby Garahan who falls in love with the much terrified young woman, Miss Aimee Anderson. Down on her luck, Aimee has answered an advertisement to work as a milliner, only to find she’s destined for a brothel. After rescuing Aimee, Darby proposes marriage to save her. The marriage is strewn with boulders of self doubt and it’s our hero’s job to cast the rescued damsel’s fears out. The marriage is a work in progress. Of course there’s more!

Despite my quibbles, despite the well worn plot, I must admit I just can’t stop reading any new additions to the series.

A Dragonblade ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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