Lively Georgian romance!

Never Wager with a Wallflower (Merriwell Sisters #3) by Virginia Heath    


The last Merriwell sisters’ story. Venus (Vee) Merriwell is a handful. A pocket Venus, a rapacious reader, intelligent, and after being let down so badly by Galahad Sinclair, a confirmed wallflower

Gal is her nemesis ever since she first met him. Very had attacked him in the grounds of their home where thinking he was an intruder.

Returned from America, Gal was looking to invest in a building to turn into a gambling establishment. He’d found one just after the owner had died. The heir needed cash. It was next to an orphanage but Gal had plans for that as well.

However, as he found out later, not just any orphanage but the one supported by Vee Merriwell. 

You can imagine how Vee took that!

An enchanting bluestocking, enemy to lovers romance, with some delightful orphans thrown in to bleed us emotionally dry!

St. Martin’s Press ARC invite via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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