A stubborn Sinclair! Hannah’s story.

Highland Surrender (Sons of Sinclair #5) by Heather McCollum      


It’s 1536 and Hannah Sinclair, the Sinclair Brothers beloved sister is approaching thirty and her future as a mother looks bleak. She longs for a husband and family but there’s no one who tempts her. Hannah decides that this might be the time to take what she wants. After all a husband is no necessity for a child. Her sister-in-laws agree to help her. (That chat was rather comic!)

Erik Halverson is a Norseman, blackmailed by Queen Sophie of Denmark-Norway to kidnap Hannah in order to have a hold over the Sinclairs. She’s worried about their power being set against her daughter Anne, wife to King James of England. She holds Erik’s sister as her bargaining chip.

Hannah chooses Erik which leads to some close calls as she tries to seduce him, and of course leads to her eventual kidnapping.

Well, that does call  the Four Horseman of the Acopolypse to ride, but not in the way Queen Sophie had envisaged.

The women surrounding Hannah are strong and compassionate. I love the actions of the younger girls Trix and Libby.

A solid, sprightly and often amusing read with a fair amount tension surrounding the tale.

An Entangled invite ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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