High society and fascists—1936!

The Socialite Spy: In Pursuit of a King by Sarah Sigal     


Lady Pamela is a fashion columnist for the London Times. Her column is headed Agent of Change. (It helps that Lady Pamela moves in the rarified circles that revolve around the Court and  King Edward.)

As Pamela leads a fairly separate life from her husband Francis it’s easy for her to be seen in the right places. 

Pamela is asked by MI5 to be an agent for them. She has access to high society entities who admire Hitler and Nazi Germany, that includes Wallis Simpson, Mosley and others.

This leads to all sorts of interesting situations. 

Her entrĂ©e into an interview with Wallis Simpson will be outlining Wallis’ particular style for an upcoming edition for her column.

During the time spent with her, Pamela becomes aware of Mrs Simpson influence on the King. 

Pamela is upset by  Edward’s irresponsibilities, his cavalier attitude towards security, and the media ban imposed on the English newspapers about printing anything to do with their relationship.

It’s all very daring and hush hush, with quite a few surprises, including her husband’s loyalties.

An interestingly different look at the characters of Wallis Simpson and King Edward exposing their short comings and really pushing their relationships with the Nazis. Wallis comes across as a hard edged women with definite Nazi leanings. Edward comes across as a very petulant man.

A sleek start that has the potential to develop into further titles.

A Lume ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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