The Three Muscateers—three widows, three sets of different circumstances

The Widows' Wine Club by Julia Jarman   


Different enough to be interesting but I kept losing which character was which. I almost feel I need to read it again to follow who’s who.

I do know that three women came together to form a support group, going to the pub for lunch etc. Better than the local widow’s group in the church hall. 

All three had recently lost their husbands and now had to find a way to face their new lives.

Viv Halliday is a knowledgeable gardener. Zelda Fielding is setting herself up with internet dates and searching the web for her unknown father. Janet had a controlling husband who it turned out was having affairs, and their son is just as controlling.

How their lives unfold is the new challenge.

A Boldwood Books ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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