Protecting the home front

A Beautiful Disguise (The Imposters #1) by Roseanna M. White        


Interesting story above an unusual brother and sister from the top echelons of Edwardian English society, Lady Marigold and her brother Lord Yates, Earl of Fairfax. Upon their father’s death they find that he had spent all their funds and more on the joyous thrills he had surrounded himself, and them with.

Their response was to cover up their scarcity of funds and dive into becoming detectives for a price. Imposters Ltd. is born.

Together with their closely knit dependants they maintain the outward appearance of solvency. Lady Marigold is always sublimely dressed, amazing hats, shoes and gowns. (From reworked wear from an attic full of startling clothing and bolts of fabric.)

Their father had a circus resting at Fairfax Towers in Northumberland, and that continues, along with the menagerie of animals collected. The expense of maintaining their animals is no small amount.

The siblings are committed to their care. They have learned to use the trapeze, balance, and climb (all prerequisites for what they do now)

By word of mouth their investigative powers are becoming known. Now they have been engaged by Lt. Colonel Sir Merritt Livingston, part of the newly formed Intelligence Agency to investigate their neighbor Lord Hemming. Coincidentally they are hired by Genie Ballantine over her missing brother Cornelius.

Lady Marigold wants to find out more about  Merrit. They know little of him.

The threat of growing German unrest, the threat of their disguise being unmasked, and the threat of powerful forces at play are real. As is treason and betrayal.

Undergirding all this is the strong belief in God that the siblings have. We are also given some of the tale of how Merritt came to a decision about the Christian faith. Interesting, especially as it’s pretty much hinted at that Marigold would not contemplate being involved with anyone who was not a believer.

An tale with many moving parts that quietly fascinates. 

Although, I’m at a loss as to why the siblings felt it important to cover up the reality of their situation, especially given their faith. Still it did keep them in circles they needed to be in, enabling them to work in secret.

A Bethany House ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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