Surprised by death!

Secrets of an Irish House by Ann O'Loughlin   


I’ll be frank. Yes, I did tear up at certain parts in this tale. How could I not?

Katie Williams’s partner of six years dies in a subway shooting. Katie had asked Harry to take an Uber but roadworks made the journey too time consuming. Harry had ended his life in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The reading of the Will has Katie, and Harry’s ex wife and business partner Maggie, discovering that all the money has gone. Harry had secretly bought a place in Ireland that they knew nothing about. Kilcashel House in Wicklow County.

To inherit they must both go to Ireland and live at Kilcashel Housefor ten months. What they find is an empty, half renovated mansion on the sea, with a life tenant occupying the gate lodge. Anna Walker is a somewhat grumpy woman who wants them gone.

Both women have been screwed over by Harry. Katie’s passion is baking. She was to have opened a Bagel Bakery in Manhattan. Maggie is an experienced marketer who could sell pearls to an oyster. She and Harry had maintained their business relationship successfully after divorcing.

The story of these two disparate women settling into the community has its moments. More than enough! They become part of the community as time goes on.

For all that the Irish House pulled at my heartstrings, I found things just a little too contrived and coincidental which ends up predictably where you were channeled. 

A reasonable story but I found Her Husband’s Secret a much stronger, less forced read. 

A Bookouture ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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