Murder during The Troubles!

The Winter Guest: A Mystery by W. C. Ryan     


Ireland after the first World War. It’s 1921. The IRA has murdered one of their own, a woman, the Honourable Maud Prendeville, a hero of the Easter Uprising.

Captain Tom Harkin has been sent by the IRA’s top people to investigate. Firstly because he had been engaged to Maud, and because he was once a secretary to Maud’s uncle, John Prendeville, who also is supplying a shipment of guns to the IRA. There was a legitimate insurance policy taken out for Maud which needs legally to be investigated. That would be his cover. He’d also received a telegram from Maud’s brother Billy asking him to come to Kilcolgon House. 

His investigations lead him to make contact with a man who’s his opposite with the British Army, a man who was secretly associated with Maud, Major Hugo Vane.

The man leading the British Auxilary Forces forces stationed in the district is Major Abercrombie. A harsh, sadistic leader who’d already had complaints about his behavior reportedly by District Inspector Teevan, a victim in the attack alongside Maud.

Hardin has trouble separating his experiences in the trenches at the Somme. They dog his footsteps. He’s haunted by ghosts. Ominously, he sees the White Lady, an apparition who reputably appears whenever a Prendeville is about to die.

The brutality of the times, of Irishman pitted against the Irishmen, against the British, fighting for freedom and self determination is not to be underestimated.

A convoluted haunting tale, startling and engaging. A curious tale of murder mixed in with the atrocities that were part of the Troubles. Hard to look away from and hard to put down.

A Skyhorse Arcade ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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