Enemies to lovers trope fits like a glove for this tale.

The Boxing Baroness (Wicked Women of Whitechapel #1) by Minerva Spencer


Marianne Simpson works as a pugilist in an all female circus troupe. There’s Marianne, Cecile a sharpshooter, and the strange woman Josephine Brown, who throws knives and has a familiar, a huge Raven who appears to speak in French.

Marianne’s uncle, Barnabas Farnham operates the Farnham’s Fantastical Female Fayre. 

Marianne is known as the boxing baroness due to a very ruthless rake, Baron Dominic Strickland, staging a fake wedding service  and seducing her into believing they were married, then revealing the truth once his wife appeared on the scene.

Now Marianne has a visitor. St. John Powell (Sin), the seventh Duke of Staunton. He’s been requested to bring Marianne to France with him. He needs to sort out the truth of whether his brother is alive or not. There’s no question that he’ll countenance failure in this endeavor. And the person requesting Marianne to go? Non other than her hated and despised husband who never was, Dominic.

Marianne of course refused, but the Duke held some dismaying evidence against her uncle, so she acquiesced. France at the time of Bonaparte’s return is no place to be.

Secrets, deadly secrets are uncovered. But in the end, Marianne knew she and the Duke were destined to part.

Adroitly written, I couldn’t put this down. Loved it!

A Kensington Bks ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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