A deceptive read!

Mr Campion's Mosaic (Albert Campion Mystery #10) by Mike Ripley  


There I was completely foiled by Mr Campion’s mild mannered air of concern. Albert Campion, an investigator with formidable contacts including the Commander of the Metropolitan Police, has that rare something that makes him appear deceptively naive, concerned, and an old fashioned air of the polite gentleman who somehow stumbles into things. And stumble he does in this latest foray in his retirement. He’s been asked to speak to the Evadne Childe Society because their guest of honor had a mishap (which turned out to be an argument with a car). Evadne Childe was a mystery writer he happened to share a godmother with. The club asks him to follow a few things up about the Evadne’s book, The Moving Mosaic, to be remade into a two hour BBC production. The first of many it’s hoped. But there are problems and as Albert trundles on there are more—including attempted blackmail and murder.

Rupert, Albert’s son becomes his father’s chauffeur and foil. Magersfontein Lugg is ever present, and his wife Lady Amanda Fitton is the voice of reason.

A homage in many aspects to crime writer Margaret Allingham. Reading the author’s After Notes I was entranced by the twisted logic and air of benign benevolence that surrounds the story.

A Severn HouseARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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