
Castle of Refuge (Dericott Tales #2) by Melanie Dickerson           


Medieval romance based on the Ugly Duckling is idealistic despite the rawness it portrays. Two people who have suffered, both with visible and invisible scars come together. Set in fourteenth century England it is a tale of persecution and forgiveness. Audrey, the daughter of a Viscount was badly scared to the face by the actions of her malicious sister Maris. Maris was sent away. She returns!
Edwin, Lord Dericott has lost an arm and carries scars of his own.
Audrey flees her father’s home when Maris threatens her. She’s attacked outside Dericott Castle, and taken there to recover when found. Of course Audrey and Edwin eventually are attracted to each other. Danger though lies not to far away.
Under all, the story explores the behaviour of victims of abuse, and how for some, their responses to their world are through the prism of their treatment.
Despite all this I felt somewhat removed from the story. The tone of the characters just seems flat despite all that happens. The wicked sister actually is the one I felt more sympathy for—scarred as she’s been, invisible damage leaving her twisted.
Redemption comes for all three in various ways. Love just might conquer all.

A Thomas Nelson ARC via NetGalley 


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