Childhood friendships don’t necessarily marriages make!

The Duke Who Loved Me (Dukes Estates #1) by Jane Ashford               


We have the rather irresponsible tear away James Cantrell, inheriting his dukedom and discovering it’s not as orderly as he supposed. Mind you his father and then his trustees did rather push James away.
The way forward is to marry his old chum and whizz at organising things, Cecelia Vainsmede. After all she’s helped him all his life. They’ve known each other since they were thirteen and fifteen respectively. Ideal! A marriage of convenience is not what Cecelia wants with a James. If she looks into the dark corners of her heart she wants more and is not prepared to settle for less.
Cecelia needs a distraction, and the advances of a rather handsome German prince seems just the ticket to add a bit of energy to the mix. There are some problems with this. Wires do get crossed.  The least not being James realising that maybe Cecelia means more to him than the very helpful childhood friend.
Oh, and did I mention that Cecelia has taken under her wing not one but four young ladies looking to her for advice about all things to do with the season.
An untaxing read, an ending without verve, with a hero who really needs to just grow up. James is a bit of an unthinking fribble, not unkind—just thoughtless. Still maybe leopards can change their spots?! 

Sourcebooks Casablanca  ARC via NetGalley 


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