Love those shoes!

If the Shoe Fits (Meant to Be) by Julie Murphy          


First up I loathe and detest reality shows. Often so dehumanising. I’ve been reading articles lately about contestants who suffer greatly after being on such shows. The suicide rate and severe depression is real. To me such shows are the equivalent of the trials by combat of Ancient Rome, only now the colosseum is our TV screen and the modern Roman citizen watches from the couch tweeting responses of thumbs up or down. So I wasn't really that aware of what I was letting myself in for with this read.
However I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by Cindy, a plump talented shoe designer who’s miles away from the stereotypical contestant. (I was pretty excited about the shoes. I absolutely adored what she did when there were no clothes her size!) 
The fractured fairytale Cinderella trope works well. Lots of + + + pluses, including her family, some of the contestants and program’s staff, and Henry’s not bad either.
I loved the way Cindy turned the tables. Brilliant!
Despite my doubt about things, in the end this was a pleasant read.

Disney ARC via NetGalley 


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