Regency ladies taking charge

Duchess If You Dare (Maidens of Mayhem #1) by Anabelle Bryant   


Unusual subject matter here. A group of women calling themselves the Maidens of Mayhem fighting to uplift the plight of women in London including prostitutes. They “had banded together with a vow to right wrongs in London and fight for women who had no voice against male harassment or otherwise unjust travesties thrust upon their gender.“ worthy indeed but to me the women seemed somewhat distant, they’re waiting stage right as it were. I was a tad nonplussed by how flimsy their support for each other appeared. I know this is the first in the series but that part was somewhat lacklustre.
Wycombe House owned by Julia Wycombe is apparently for them a place where in a “society disinclined to allow females to conduct business, own property or invest finances without the consent or participation of a male, the ... building [has] became their fortress of secrets.” Again I loved the concept ... but!
Scarlett Wynn, “illegitimate daughter of a destitute commoner” treads the streets of the darkest alleyways of London by night dressed in trousers made for her by a young seamstress Linie, accompanied only by her strong will and deadly knives. 
When Linie disappears and the spectre of young women being lured away to become sex slaves raises its ugly head, Scarlett starts investigating.
That’s when she runs into Ambrose Cross, fourth Duke of Aylesford, watching the same place but for different reasons.
Their searches combine as does their regard for each other, that of course becomes rather more than a few kisses. Alas I felt the pages spent on their trysting was a tad gratuitous and would've been better spent building up other parts of the story. What will their relationship become—this is a girl from the wrong side of the tracks after all and a duke needs more? Scarlett thinking she wasn’t worthy definitely didn’t meet my expectations of a 'mayhemic' maiden. 
As challenges are solved and relationships questioned I was not convinced by Aylesbury. He was just too wooden for me. Scarlett I adored, but I didn’t feel she soared as she could have. I wanted her to be more 'mayhemy'. Still her character raised my star allotment from 2 to 3.
Too many subplots and resolutions too quickly come by, hints of things to come (a Wise Woman?Hmm!) hampered things for me. I felt like there was a prelude that I’d missed somehow.
The Bow Street Runner Howell seemed full on in the beginning and then ...

A Kensington Books ARC via NetGalley 
Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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