Queen Elizabeth, detective extraordinaire!

The Windsor Knot (Her Majesty the Queen Investigates #1) by S.J. Bennett         


I had my doubts. I was sceptical. I wondered if the concept could ever get off the ground—HRH as a detective. Doubt no more, this idea was brilliantly orchestrated by Bennett.
Along the way one glimpses the intelligent compassion and understanding, the earthiness that has made Queen Elizabeth shine throughout her reign. Bennett has judged things to a nicety. 
When a young Russian piano player is found dead in a guest room at Windsor, the head of the Queen’s Intelligence Service hares off in the wrong direction. It’s up to HRH to nudge him in the right direction after she’s co-opted the help of her private secretary’s (Sir Simon Holcroft) new assistant, Rozie Oshodi.
Humor, thoughtfulness, compassion and reality bump along together together to bring the mystery around to its conclusion with only a select few people knowing who’s putting two and two together and channeling the end game. I do like the portrayal of the relationship between the Queen and Prince Philip, BTW. The occasional references to knowledge acquired from her grandson’s is a hoot.
I went from suspended belief to relishing this really enjoyable mystery.
I wouldn’t know if Bennett has all her ducks in row about the inner workings of the Queen’s various households. It certainly appears that she’s a Royal watcher given the detail. I’m buying it all!
Clever dialogue, and a wonderful freshness makes this a delightful and intelligently written work.

A William Morrow and Custom House ARC via NetGalley 


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