Intrigue and crime in Venice

Transient Desires (Commissario Guido Brunetti #30) by Donna Leon       


In this thirtieth volume looking at police procedurals and crime in Venice fewer tourists are in evidence given the pandemic. However in this latest work from Leon two young American women are injured in a boating incident on the Laguna, one dreadfully. They are deposited on the quay outside the Emergency Room of the Ospedale Civile, dropped by two young men in the launch. This all requires investigation. A number of problems have arisen. 
The enquiry becomes complicated. One of the men in the boat is the nephew of Pietro Borgato, owner of a large International transport company, who whilst he's never been caught, is suspected of being involved in various smuggling operations. 
Commissario Guido Brunetti is as ever erudite and thoughtful. Napoletana Claudia Griffons,  Brunetti’s colleague is a shrewd successful woman working in a male dominated world. They work well together. 
As the case evolves we have the coast guard becoming part of the action (that is interesting)
the Nigerian mafia is made mention of and things become very twist and cloak and daggerish. Mention of empty cruise ships and lack of tourists place this mystery fairly and sqaurely in the now.
On the home front, the children are becoming older and there's interesting discussions around the table. 
This case raises many questions for Brunetti especially as his children are getting older. 
I love Brunetti and this latest walk with him didn't disappoint.
I love the glimpses of Venice we view through Leon's prism. I always had the romantic idea of living in Venice for a few months--the most I managed was a few days, but I loved every moment.
Reading about Brunetti extends that love affair--every time! Even if it's gritty and edgy adding another yet layer. 

A Grove Atlantic ARC via NetGalley 


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