West Lane Wallflowers--a step too far?

Misleading A Duke (The Wallflowers of West Lane #2) 
by A.S. Fenichel    

I really wanted to like this next in the Wallflowers series. Unexpectedly I found myself not at all in sympatico with Lady Faith Landon, even though she's found herself betrothed to a man she's hardly ever met Nicholas Ellsworth, Duke of Breckenridge.
Of course she wants her fellow Wallflowers to help her investigate the mysterious Duke. The problem is that Nicholas is a secret agent and has been on a dangerous mission in France. Faith and her sister Wallflowers' actions put him in peril. Nicholas is furious. Hoping to mend the situation they lure Nicholas to an isolated castle in order to give Faith the time and space to make amends. Of course that goes pear shaped faster than you can take a breath.
I tried several times to come to grips with the situation. I just ended up losing patience with Faith putting herself and others in danger. That I found hard to forgive. And she admitted that. Really? I know it all ended up ok but this title was not for me.
Faith annoyed me immensely. Personally I felt Nicholas should've moved on.
I must say that the cover of this Wallflower title is once again both attractive and interesting.

A Kensington Books ARC via NetGalley



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