The attraction of words!

Love Is a Rogue (Wallflowers vs Rogues #1) by Lenora Bell           


First in the  Wallflowers vs Rogues series. Lady Beatrice Bentley, a studious young woman whose desire is to write an etymological dictionary and not marry runs smack bang into the desire she's rarely been brave enough to think about. The attraction she experiences for the carpenter Stamford Wright, her brother Drew, Duke of Thorndon has employed, to make repairs to his Cornwall property destroyed any notion of the tranquility she'd hoped to find for her special project. Beatrice's time to pursue her word smithing for her great dictionary is precious and the permission to do this was a bargain Beatrice had reached with her mother.  The point of their understanding is that when she returns to London she'll fully participate in the coming season, and not hang about amongst the pot plants avoiding all and sundry. Beatrice's mother is quite desperate to marry her off. Beatrice is quite determined to remain a spinster.
What Beatrice hasn't counted on is inheriting a dilapidated bookstore from an eccentric aunt. 
With the support of her friends from the Mayfair Ladies Knitting League (Yes, more than a knitting circle!) Beatrice is determined that the building be turned into a meeting place for the club with the help of a certain 'carpenter' before he returns to the navy. One Mr. Wright no less! That situation becomes even more charged when a wealthy property developer wants the building and is ready to go to any lengths to ensure he will win.
Wright may have a roguish twinkle in his eye, enjoy reading Beatrice's gothic romances  and flexing his gorgeous muscles (very hilarious) but he's nowhere near hardened rogue material. Although Beatrice and Wright's relationship does go delightfully Rogue!
A nicely executed tale taking a more original and humorous tack than most Wallflower/Bluestocking meets Rogue tropes.

A HarperCollins ARC via NetGalley 


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