Viola comes into her own!

Say Yes to the Duke (The Wildes of Lindow Castle #5) 
by Eloisa James      

Where to start! This had it all!
There's the explosive beginning--in more ways than one. At fifteen Viola Astley,  the stepdaughter of Hugo Wilde, Duke of Lindow, attends her first ball. A disaster! Unable to contain her nervous nausea Viola (the overlooked Wilde) seeks a quick exit only to catch a couple in flagrante delicto, and "empties her stomach" all over the paramour. (Of course there's more going on in this scene on many levels). That awful experience colors Viola's outlook.
From then on public functions have been the bane of her life, leaving her exhausted and cowered, slipping around the edges of gatherings, invisible and lost to all.
Viola, is the much overlooked painfully shy heroine--except when she isn't! And then she's so much more! Some very amusing scenes featuring animals tell a different tale.
Viola feels she just can't compare to her extroverted siblings, they're bold and outrageous--she's quiet, they're  tall and dark, she's small and timid. "She was the complete opposite of a Wilde." In fact "her earliest memories were defined by feeling 'not Wilde.'" And here Viola becomes stuck in her 'not Wilde' mantra, a defining of herself that makes her self image so much less.
Three years later Viola has to suffer her come out, a daunting prospect that leaves her sick with fear. However all that changes when she falls in love. Viola has fixed her affections on the new vicar Mr. Marlowe, never mind that he's engaged to the opinionated Miss Pettigrew. Here's a little conundrum that deters Viola not in the least!
Devin Lucas Augustus Elstan, Duke of Wynter, who's generally thought to be cold and arrogant needs to take a wife. He pins his sights on Joan Wilde but it's Viola (the not a Wilde) who challenges him. An unexpected meeting in the library between Devin and Viola during the ball opens the way for a divergence of thought for the reclusive Duke. Unknowingly Viola has interested Devin, whose defence before the world is an eyebrow lift and a quelling demeanour. Viola, who's used to such dukely ways is not impressed and gives back as much as she gets.
As this engaging story evolves, Viola comes into her own, Mr. Marlowe turns up trumps and the Duke, well he becomes less dukely. A fab Regency Romp' witty, humorous and fun.
As I've stated many times, I just love the Wildes!!!

A HarperCollins ARC via NetGalley



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