... a nostalgic and charming story about a group of people who dare!

The Jane Austen Society: A Novel by Natalie Jenner         

Opening in 1932 with the bulk of the story happening between 1945 and 1947 this story, was like savouring a good wine. Its very essence surrounded me. I was struck by its many flavors.
These were provided by a disparate group of people coming together in the village of Chawton, Hampshire, the home of Jane Austen in the last years of her life, to form the Jane Austen Society.
A fascinating group, some joined by their shared life in the village, others who appreciated the history of the place. All are tied together by their love of Austen. Although for many their reading is certainly wider than that as demonstrated by some of their lively conversations. All have something that sets them apart, be it their insights, energy, determination, empathy, loyalty or talents.
Benjamin Gray, the village doctor for many years, now a widower.
Miss Frances Knight, spinster daughter of the Great House (Chawton House) in Hampshire. The cottage where Austen lived forms part of that estate. Fran is the only one in her family interested in the "legacy of Jane Austen in which the Knights had a share."
Adam Berwick, a farmer who years ago was led through a chance encounter to pick up Austen's books. The Berwicks over generations have been intwined in the life of the Knights, working in various capacities on the estate.
Adeline Grover, formerly Adeline Lewis, who had been a dynamic teacher encouraging her students to wider reading, including Austen and Virginia Woolf, much to the disgruntlement of the Village School Board.
Mimi Harrison, an Hollywood Star and Austen devotee.
Evie Stone, a young girl working in the Knight's household. Evie was a star pupil of Adeline's, bright and fiercely  intelligent with a scholar's disposition. Fran has given her access to the  House's library collection.
Andrew Forrester, the family solicitor for the Knights, and former classmate of Fran and Benjamin.
Yardley Sinclair, Sotheby’s assistant director of estate sales, who has pointed Mimi in the direction of Austen artifacts.
Kudos to Jenner for a cleverly written and engaging plot. A winter into spring sort of story. Uplifting despite, or because of, the many personal challenges not only of the society's members, but of the formation of the society from a small beginning.  An intimate and reflective novel that draws you in gently and holds you until the very last page, including the author's notes.

A St. Martin's Press ARC via NetGalley



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