Complex and absorbing!

In the Name of Truth (Sandhamn Murders #8) by Viveca Sten      
Translated by Marlaine Delargy

Weave together a plot featuring a court case about embezzlement, a children's summer sailing camp off Sandhamn Island,  a stalking pedophile, a runaway girl, a missing boy, a camp leader who suffers from deep insecurities, another couple of boys who would be at home in the Lord of the Flies; then throw in gambling and Lithuanian gangsters and you have one complicated plot for Detective Inspector Thomas Andreasson and his friend, attorney Nora Linde to work their way through. Both unbeknownst to each other pursuing independent inquiries that have them meeting somewhere in the middle. (Oh, and did I mention the wedding?)
Nora is working on the court case and Thomas on the camp front.
I swear I smelt a wiff of pine needles and felt the sting of the sea spray in the camp sequences. I did dream wistfully of summer and sailing.
Putting this complex Swedish crime noir together must have been exhausting and I'm seeing huge maps on white boards dotted everywhere, or maybe a zillion post-it notes joining everything together. Ok, so maybe it was a speadsheet. I say this 'cause occasionally I had to backtrack just to keep up with the divergent storylines and the action. A gripping read that kept me awake long after I'd cantered to the finish line.
This was my first read about Andreasson and Linde. It didn't deter me from enjoying the storyline. Though now I am pleased to say I have a lot of catching up to do!

An AmazonCrossing ARC via NetGalley



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