Delightful read that builds!

The Pursuits of Lord Kit Cavanaugh (The Cavanaughs #2) by Stephanie Laurens             

Lord Christopher “Kit” Cavanaugh has a dream. To establish an exclusive top of the range yacht building business in Bristol.
Miss Sylvia Buckleberry has a dream. To establish a school for the poorer children of Bristol, particularly those whose parents are employed (or unemployed) on and around the wharves of Bristol.
That these two dreams clashed goes without saying! But the redoubtable Kit managed to bring about a satisfactory solution for both dreams. His hiring tactics are masterful. Unfortunately others are not so easily persuaded.
I must say though it was the young boys of the school who stole my heart. Their protectiveness towards Sylvia is brilliantly portrayed.  Kit's easy interaction with them is delightful.
All in all,  true love, a couple of mysterious incidents, a chase and a loving resolution made this a pleasing read.

A HARLEQUIN - Romance  ARC via NetGalley



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