Green riders! Truly an adventure!

The Dream Gatherer (Green Rider #6.5) by Kristen Britain 

Has it really been 20 years since I first read Green Rider?
From that moment on Kristen Britain went to the top of my "must read" author following list. Ah! The excitement when a new novel about Green Rider Karigan G’ladheon and the world of Sacoridia appeared!
And now this anthology consisting  of two short stories and a novella purportedly part of a history of the Green Riders written by Lady Estral Andovian Fiori, the Golden Guardian of Selium. Wonderful! I was not disappointed!
Apart from the stories, I particularly enjoyed the introduction by Julie Czerneda 'Step into a Dream' where Czerneda urges the reader to dare to dream. Her words just rang so true, summing up how I feel about the world Britain created that I just had to share them.
"For these are Kristen Britain’s words—her world, her dream. She will take you, show you, carve you with profound imagery and key events. You’ll laugh and cry even as the land shifts, waves roar, and you walk a garden path. You’ll be disturbed and troubled, joy-filled and hopeful, wrung dry of tears—and, most of all, you’ll learn truths about yourself. Be changed, forever. So, read. Enter this fantasy. Summon your courage, your inner Green Rider, and answer the ultimate call. Dare. Dream."
This is followed by an explanation of Czerneda's friendship with Britain and then Britain's telling of how she came to write Green Rider. I loved these personal stories behind the writings.
Britain deserves all acolytes she's received for the opening up of a whole new world of fantasy with its quirky rules pertaining to riders and their abilities, and other fascinating or ruthless characters to explore.

A Berkley Publishing Group ARC via NetGalley 



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